Kaustic Cartel
Kaustic Cartel
Faction Description
The Kaustic Cartel is a group of many for profit companies of various sizes. All members of this Cartel aid each other and work together with the goal of makeing more profit.
Kaustic Cartel mostly focuses on manufactuering and trading inorder to take out the middle man. Although Kaustic has its strengths and focuses, they are willing to do anything that could make them more money.
Kaustic Cartel is lead by the Head of the Board and the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors makes all decisions for the cartel with the Head of the Board as their spokesperson. The Board of Directors appoints various posistions to help them manage their cartel.
Kaustic Cartel is planning to make various business ventures with other factions. So far they don't have any plans or alliances. Kaustic Cartel does not like buisness competition. Kaustic will seek out meetings with competition to try to sort things out.
Kaustic Cartel does not allign with the Empire of the Kingdom and does not take a side in their war but Kaustic is happy to do buisness with both sides.
Kaustic Cartel sorts their members into specialties. At this moment, there are three specialties: The Trading Fleet, The Manufactuers, and The Task Force. The Board of Directors appoints a manager to each of these specialties.