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True Cobrastan Cult

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True Cobrastan Cult
Patriarch (CEO and Founder)
  • Armand Doom
Templars (High Command)
  • hidden
Authority Style
  • Militant Theocracy, Destructive Cult
Faction Information
Official Colors: Blood Red, Bone White, Void Black, Hazard Yellow
Motto/Slogan Here to Stay
Date of founding: 11 Jan, 2015
Member count 300+
Primary Industry Self-Sufficiency
Secondary Industry Self-Sufficiency
Faction Ships for Sale Yes
Discord Link
  • [TCC]
Foreign Affairs
Alliances Not Eligible for Alliances
Enemies The Harbormen

Faction Mission Statement

You will be wiped out . - Messir Astaroth

Pre-Starbase History

True Cobrastan Cult was founded in EVE Online, in early 2015, under the name of The Cobrastan Cult. The first wave of members have migrated from another EVE corporation, called The Church of Cobrastan . They were just another 'nobody' pve entity, untill Messir Astaroth joined them, gained their trust, became a high-ranking officer and in the end - stripped the corp of its wallet and took all the active members with him, while leaving. It was the day when The Cobrastan Cult was born. PvE become something fishy and unspokable and PvP was chosen as a primary goal, while roleplay remained to be a background activity. The Lore was written and the Book of Serpents was published (now abandoned and became non canon).

True Cobrastan Cult eventually became a small pirate gang, that started to harass rookies and PvE-players in every way possible. Gate Camping, War Declarations, Piracy, Griefing, Espionage and Asset Theft - these are the things that members of the infamous Cult had managed to master in years. Even large corporations and big alliances found themselves absolutely defenceless and vulnerable against the 'awox ops' of TCC's recon squads. One by one they failed in protecting themselves and hiding their valuables from eyes of The Cobrastan Cult . Infiltrating other organizations - is what makes True Cobrastan Cult so... fearsome, even if there are seemingly no active members under that tag.

Later on True Cobrastan Cult has expanded its influence on few other MMO, survival and sandbox games. As for today, the largest TCC office is in Starbase, and officially there are more than 300 members in that growing community. The recruitment process is hyper active and the leadership of TCC is constantly dragging in the new members from many various places, including related space and sandbox games, social resources and many others. The main discord of TCC is has more than 270+ players, and 16 new sub-factions have already been formed undercover, to instantly proclaim loyalty and merge with the Core faction in Starbase, when the time comes. The total number of active players in all sub-factions remains classified, however it is known that they are all actively recruiting new players every hour and day. And some of them are very successfully play the role of a 'harmless pve' faction, participating in different community projects and earning the trust of their core faction's future prey.

At the moment TCC is migrating to Starbase and thus shutting down all its operations in other projects. Starbase is rumored to be the only place where TCC is going to stand its ground, expand its influence and protect its assets. The Starbase Armada of TCC is actively forming, and it is expected to have more than enough PvP-focused cultists in the beginning of the Early Access. The TCC branches in all other games are now shutting down.

The game is not released yet, there is even no Early Access there, but TCC has been already at war with the large portion of the Starbase community if not entire community. However later on TCC suddenly retracted all wars except one - with The Harbormen, that took over the Faction Finder discord. It was a coup, performed by one man and the place was absolutely ruined. The leader of TCC (Messir Astaroth) was one of the old mod team that helped to keep the place in order, and he wasnt pleased by witnessing all that mess. He decided to bring justice, and declared the Eternal War with The Harbormen, which will end only if one of the participants completely vanishes (or gets vanished) from the existence. He promised that he will annihilate The Harbormen and their treaturous leader (Mester Keen).

Primary Purpose

Nothing is known about it, except the possible official position of Serving The God. However it is rumored that one of the cultists one day said about his faction: We are not here to destroy the game. We are here to destroy YOUR game and to play OUR game the way WE want...

This is almost exactly what Goonswarm said to Band of Brothers in the early days of its existence in EVE Online. Pretty self-explainatory, isnt it?

Allies and Enemies

There are no such thing as an 'ally' for True Cobrastan Cult in reality. They do not have allies, only targets, victims and prey. If they are not attacking you now, it doesn't mean that you are not in their list. However it is possible to temporarily get good standings from them, but you should always remember, that that kind of 'relationship' will not be permanent, as its absolutely unnatural for TCC in so many ways that listing them all here would take a couple of weeks. Be extremely careful, when you approach the Embassy of The Cobrastan Cult . They are very likely to secretly drop the standings, backstab your fleet and loot your ships, members and assets, if they consider you and/or your effort 'not needed anymore'. And when they finally deside to strike you down, be sure that you CAN and WILL BE their PRIMARY TARGET for a short amount of time. They will utilize that time to eliminate even the least possible threat from their former ally - once and for all.

If TCC is idle or at least seems to be more or less silent - do NOT poke them. Seriously do NOT poke the snake, even if you think it's harmless and sleeping.

You do NOT know what they are hiding in their deep space, and you clearly have no idea what will come after your homeworld AND you homebase in a couple of hours, if you disturb their rest.

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