Closed alpha
The starbase closed alpha(often just called CA) is the first alpha testing of Starbase and it will be the first time non-devs will get access to the game. The closed alpha will be free and will start in waves, the first wave being 100 players. Though for the first wave only active community members who have contributed possitivly will be chosen by devs to join, for now only being active on the discord server will count(discord link underneath). Though the later waves will let everyone have a chance of getting in. It is also adviced to fill out the starbase survey if you wish to join the closed alpha and also help the devs gain some useful info(link underneath). The later waves will scale up from the hundred players in the beginning to likely thousands of players in the end of the closed alpha.
It is still unknown when the closed alpha will start though according to devs it appears to be very soon. There is a task counter that contains the amount of tasks that needs to get done before the closed alpha can start. The latest number for the tasks left for closed alpha can be found on the second page of the vvfaq document(link underneath). Even though a large amount of the community will gain access to the closed alpha it will still not be available to all. The first public release of the game will happen shortly after the closed alpha when the games launches on steam early access.
The main purpose of the closed alpha is to test the game with a large amount of people and see how it runs, constantly adding more players on and testing the game to it's limits. There will certainly be a lot of issues and bugs in the beginning which is to be expected from a closed alpha.
Discord Link:
Starbase Survey Link: