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Imperium Ignis

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Imperium Ignis
Phoenix Sigil small.png
Imperator Manduin
Imperial Advisor Whale
Senators N/A
Minister of Foreign Relations N/A
Minister of Communications Blip00
Minister of Industry N/A
Legatus Legionis Foska
Field-Admiral N/A
Ideology Militaristic Totalitarianism
Official Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow, Dark Gray, White
Motto Ad Astra. Pro Honore et Gloria.
Date of founding: September - November, 2019
Playerbase ~40
Main Interests Expansion and development
Discord Link

Imperium Ignis, otherwise known as just 'The Imperium' is a nation founded on the principles of war and discipline, where members can strive to become something greater than just a cog in the machine.


In September of 2019, me and my close friend Whale banded together to form a faction unlike any other. One which let its citizens live in freedom away from the oppression of the authoritarian mindset, but also a faction which was not afraid to wage war against any who would seek to stand in our way.

However, we would not be without detractors. In December of 2019, just as the new year was drawing near, we would come to one of the most decisive moments of our incredibly short history. An officer, one which had been given full permissions on Whale's order, went rogue and perhaps ended up taking us down the path of stagnation we currently face as of writing. Due to the permissions Whale had given him, he took the freedom to fully erase the Imperium's discord and members, leaving behind spiteful message after spiteful message for any of those who would question what he was doing. This meant everything from the Imperium's founding until then had been erased for good. It would be a difficult task to try to rebuild. Some previous members retaliated, believing we had ordered him to do such a thing, or that we had targeted them specifically. We were left crumbling and stagnating, with about 10 members less than we had had before.

Just a few days after, a second disaster struck. Another officer, our Legatus, had been indefinitely banned from the official Starbase discord after continuously breaking the rules and disobeying the admins. In his rage, he threw a fit in the Imperium's discord. It was so severe that we were forced to remove him as well, which even further fueled his rampage. In only a few hours, he had infiltrated the discord with a secondary account and was threatening me with raiding the entire server and putting the faction down for good. In spite of us mocking him, it was clear that a desperate measure had to be taken, just in case the scenario ever arose. The server went on lockdown for 1 - 2 weeks. We conducted a background check on every new member, checking their message history on Starbase's discord, among those of allied factions. The lockdown was soon lifted, and all returned to normal for the time being.

Unfortunately, there would be a third incident. On the 20th of January, just 3 weeks before writing, the last two of our original officers would stir up dissent and eventually betray the Imperium altogether. I would come to blows with our Admiral and Vice-Admiral over their perpetual refusal to follow my orders to stop their extremely irritating, childish behaviour. They would both be removed, and, in spite of the Imperium, they would found their own faction. Their faction was based on the idea that they could somehow get back at us. Needless to say, the amount of effort they put into it is horrendous. However, that is beside the point. The Imperium is stronger because of the loss of these immature and rebellious rats.

Our Goals

Our goal as a faction is to safeguard the freedom and independence of our citizens, and this will be achieved in various ways. For example:

  • Upholding a strong military to repel any who would challenge us
  • Developing strong and secure infrastructure to facilitate a top-of-the-line member experience
  • Always providing our members with a chance to rise and become something more

The Structure of the Imperium


Sectors are the overarching organizations within the Imperium, which all fill their own purpose and, in conjunction, ensure the Imperium can remain stable and thrive.

Civil Sector

The civil sector consists of basic civilians that do not have any specific occupation.

  • Imperial Citizen: The everyday citizens of the Imperium that are either unemployed or have just joined the Imperium.
  • Entrepreneur: Merchants or business owners who look forward to making a living within the Imperium.
  • Representative: A representative or member of another faction.

Industrial Sector

The Industry Sigil

The Industrial sector deals with all of the Imperium's production and refinement of resources, which fuels every other sector in the Imperium.

  • Scrapper: Engineers who break down ships into parts and clear the battlefield of wrecks.
  • Transport: Transports are in charge of the Imperium's logistics and transport resources, parts and personnel across the Imperium.
  • Miner: Miners harvest resources to fuel the Imperium's industry.
  • Engineer: Designers and YOLOL experts who draft and program the Imperium's systems and ships.
  • Manufacturer: Craftsmen who produce the Imperium's parts and ships, and construct various structures from stations to cities.

The Imperial Legion

The Legionary Sigil

The Imperium's legions are the most integral part of the Imperium, for they bring stability, but also allow the Imperium to defend itself in times of need.

  • Legionary: Legionaries are completely standardized soldiers which make up the bulk of the Imperium's fighting force. Legionaries must be Imperial citizens.
  • Auxiliary: Auxiliary soldiers are specialized soldiers (e.g Explosives Experts, Combat Medics, Sappers) who more often than not provide support for the Legion. Auxiliary soldiers can be recruited as mercenaries or as envoys from allied factions.
Structure of a Legion
Enlisted Ranks
Non-Enlisted Ranks

The Imperial Navy

The Navy Sigil
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