Mecha Industries
Mecha Industries
Gets'it Done
Missions - We are a goal oriented company with missions setup to build up the foundation of a company that is poised to be a foothold in the trading network within the system and beyond. These missions bring growth for you as well as the group.
Economy - Mechanizing market strategies with intent to prosper. Always keeping the company informed and sharing market data. Hauling materials to different bases and always prepared for a swing.
Community - Duty, Engagement, Events, Research and Development. The leaders of our community have each invested 150+ hours of time to this game within the first 2 weeks. Each building it's own group organically while in game and in the threads online and on discord. With consistent and effectively communicated goals almost every day.
Horizons - The goal is to touchdown on a planet with a mech. A working mech that makes endos bust a gasket. Beyond that and on our way towards the goal we must industrialize all real estate. Create a working trade network and build relations with potential allies. Mecha Industries Gets'it Done.
Action - Anyone can stake a claim. It takes action to make it yours. Join now and become part of the front line of industry.