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Freedom Pact

From Starbase wiki
Revision as of 21:25, 19 November 2020 by Archduke (talk | contribs) (TNL member count)

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Freedom Pact
Freedom pact.png
Type wip
Taxes wip
Joining wip
Alliance Information
Date of founding: wip
Member count wip
Discord link
Tag FP

This page is still under construction.

Freedom Pact is a player alliance.

Official Documents

📜 Freedom Pact Treaty Constitution

📜 Freedom Pact Openness Act Opening Freedom Pact to the public

Member Factions

Freedom Pact Members (10)
Faction ~Size Tier
Araiguma Empire Standard
Imperial Star Federacy Standard
MatrixTek Exploration Core
New Federal Republic 20 Core
Red Martian Axis Standard
Steel Dragons Federation Core
The Galactic Federation 50 Core
The Union of the First Stars Core
TNL 2 Standard
Zeus Defense Industries Standard
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