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The Great Soory of 2020

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17th of April 2020 will forever be remembered as the Great Soory of 2020.

The Great Soory
Organiser: Starbase General Voice Chat
Wiki Page Maker: Manduin#2986
Inciter: BeansGalvin#3868


The Great Soory happened on the 17th of April, 2020, within the Official Starbase Discord server. With more than 60 people in chat long overdue for sleep, chat erupted in response to a comment made by a developer, crippling the general-chat. Following this, the group reacted to scolding by a moderator by attempting to spell "sorry" using reactions, but instead misspelling it as "soory". The group then decided that this day would live on in infamy for the Starbase community as the first established Starbase holiday.

Witnessing Parties

Pirat#5281 Vinyl#2458 Lingon_#0024 MADMAXimus#7031
WhereThatWallAt#8115 Richard#4951 Storyloops#4599 Neapolitan#6988
Tom.#4979 NikofrankoV#9539 TheRex#8973 TrashaPanda#0010
J̵͛ͅo̵͑r̵͝n̷̎͝e̵̿͂x̴e̶#0001 Shwetty26#5167 MrMunchkin21#6496 Glunder#6662
Odik#6342 UltimateCarnivore#3532 Gamma#0962 Julian#3604
ТРИ#7758 Lukas04#0856 BeansGalvin#3868 madmax3004#7512
Walord#1222 ash#0973 Mule#7840 mrchip#4403

Entire Story

BeansGalvin posted an image which he had made in windows paint, which depicted a headband with cat ears on the top of it. The image received such a positive response that it was pinned in the general-chat channel of the official Starbase discord. This prompted a response from the general voice chat, where one person yelled: "Everybody type Y in the chat." This act was meant to symbolise the question of "Why?" had this been pinned. Very quickly, due to the lack of slowmode in general-chat, people began to spam y, among other letters. After almost half a minute of people spamming y, the mods had no choice but to lock general chat for every player. However, there was one fatal flaw in their plan: They had forgotten to disable reactions. People began by reacting to the mods' messages with the Y emoji. The devs got increasingly annoyed, and they threatened to ban people who used the emoji to react to messages. At this point, a great shiver ran through the general voice chat. People had to come up with a way to apologise; So people began frantically trying to reply to the mods' messages with the S, O, R and Y emojis, trying to say sorry. However, due to the chaotic nature of the whole thing, people were unable to coordinate well enough and two O emojis were used in the process. Furthermore, people were struggling to find a second R emoji. In conjunction, these two circumstances led to the titular Soory being created.


Soory is generally believed to be pronounced as "sury" but other pronunciations such as "soury" or "soory" may also be accepted. And of course, THE BEST SOOOOOOOOORY. Soory.jpg


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