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* Каждый требующий питания механизм на корабле должен быть присоединён к генератору при помощи [[Кабелеукладчик|провода]].
* Каждый требующий питания механизм на корабле должен быть присоединён к генератору при помощи [[Кабелеукладчик|провода]].
* A generator is constructed from several modules that must be assembled in a certain way, with all the modules bolted to each other.  
* Генератор состоит из нескольких частей, которые нужно собирать в определённой последовательности, [[Инструмент для фиксации|скрепляя]] друг с другом.  
* Generators should be placed at a secure location, away from any hazards such as radiation or gunfire.
* Generators should be placed at a secure location, away from any hazards such as radiation or gunfire.

Revision as of 18:33, 14 August 2019



Starbase generator.png

Генератор - одна из наиболее важных частей любой постройки, которая требует энергии. Большинство кораблей, к примеру, требуют для работы правильно собранный генератор.

  • Каждый требующий питания механизм на корабле должен быть присоединён к генератору при помощи провода.
  • Генератор состоит из нескольких частей, которые нужно собирать в определённой последовательности, скрепляя друг с другом.
  • Generators should be placed at a secure location, away from any hazards such as radiation or gunfire.

Typically the generator consists of at least one generator chamber, one cooling board with cooling cells, one fuel chamber with a fuel rod, and one socket board.

Basic information

Starbase devices generator parts.png

Modules can be combined to build a generator for different needs and purposes, with varying shapes, sizes and efficiency.

A generator can be built from the following modules:

  • The fuel rod (This is the container for the the raw fuel that the fuel chamber will process to create energy)
  • The fuel chamber (The fuel rod is placed inside the fuel chamber. The raw fuel is then processed into processed fuel in the fuel chamber)
  • The generator unit (Within the generator unit processed fuel is processed into power)
  • The cooling board (Cooling cells are placed here and coolant is processed to reduce heat)
  • The socket board (For attaching cables)
  • Enhancers (For improving efficiency, in three different tiers)

A generator creates its own resource network within which it distributes and processes five different resources:

  • Raw Fuel - Stored in the fuel rod.
  • Processed Fuel - Processed in the fuel chamber from Raw Fuel.
  • Power - Processed in the generator unit from Processed Fuel.
  • Heat - Produced from the two latter processes, the processing of raw fuel and the processing of power.
  • Coolant - Stored in the cooling cells. Processed in the cooling board to reduce Heat.

Generator modules

Fuel rod

Starbase devices generator fuelrod.png

  • Stores the Raw Fuel.
  • Placed inside a fuel chamber.
  • Distributes Raw Fuel to the fuel chamber.

The fuel chamber

Starbase devices generator fuelchamber.png

  • Receives Raw Fuel from the fuel rod and converts it to Processed Fuel.
    • This process also generates Heat.
  • Distributes Processed Fuel to generator units.
  • There are nine connectors, two on each long side and one on the "back" side of the chamber.
  • Other modules can be attached to the connectors.
  • If an enhancement effect is used on the fuel chamber, the efficiency rate of processing Processed Fuel from Raw Fuel increases.

The generator unit

Starbase devices generator unit.png

  • Receives Processed Fuel from the fuel chamber and converts it to Power.
    • This process also generates Heat.
    • NOTE! The generators will constantly consume Processed fuel, wasting excess Power unless their ConversionRateLimit is modified via YOLOL
  • There are six connectors, one on each side.
  • Other modules can be attached to the connectors.
    • For every adjacent generator unit, extra heat will be generated.
    • Tip: If generator units are stacked close together, extra benefit can be gained from the enhancers. However, this generates more heat, which must be cooled down.
  • If an enhancement effect is used on the generator unit, the efficiency of processing Power from Processed Fuel increases.

The cooling cells

Starbase devices generator coolingcells.png

  • Stores the Coolant.
  • Placed inside a cooling board.
  • Distributes Coolant to the cooling board.

The cooling board

Starbase generator coolingboard.png

  • The cooling board can hold up to three cooling cells.
  • Receives Coolant from the cooling cells and processes it to reduce Heat.
  • The cooling board can be be placed anywhere. The cooling pipes running through the whole system will handle the cooling of all the fuel chambers and generator units.
  • Only the calculated amount of Heat that the system produces is relevant. The cooling power of the cooling board must match the Heat amount produced, or preferably exceed it.
  • There is only one connector on the cooling board.
  • If an enhancement effect is used on the cooling board, the efficiency rate of reducing Heat from processing Coolant increases.

The socket board

Starbase generator socketboard.png

  • Transforms Local Power into Power.
  • Connects cables.
  • Distributes Power to a data network.
  • There is only one connector on the socket board.
  • Doesn't get any benefits from enhancers.


Starbase generator enhancers.png

  • Casts a beam that goes through modules. If the beam hits a module, that module gets the benefit of the enhancement.
  • There are three tiers on the enhancement modules.
    • A tier that casts a beam that can reach 96 cm (only the module it is attached to).
    • A tier that casts a beam that can reach 192 cm (possibly two modules).
    • A tier that casts a beam that can reach 288 cm (possibly three modules).
  • There is only one connector on the enhancer.
  • Enhancers don't get benefits from other enhancers.
  • If several beams are hitting the same module, there will be extra benefit, but no cumulative benefits.

Device fields

To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:

YOLOL field Description Range
FuelChamberFuel The amount of fuel currently available in this chamber's tank 0 - FuelChamberMaxFuel
FuelChamberMaxFuel Maximum amount of fuel that can be stored in this chamber's tank Default 200000
FuelChamberUnitRateLimit Upper limit for conversion rate for this fuel chamber 0 - 100
FuelChamberUnitRate Current conversion rate for this fuel chamber. Conversion is being performed at 1 conversion * this percentage per second. 0 - 100
GeneratorUnitRateLimit Upper limit for conversion rate for this generator block 0 - 100
GeneratorUnitRate Current conversion rate for this generator block. Conversion is being performed at 1 conversion * this percentage per second. 0 - 100
StoredCoolant The amount of coolant currently available in this cell 0 - MaxCoolant
MaxCoolant Maximum amount of coolant that can be stored in a coolant cell Default 5000
CoolerUnitRateLimit Upper limit for conversion rate for this cooler 0 - 100
CoolerUnitRate Current conversion rate for this cooler. Conversion is being performed at 1 conversion * this percentage per second. 0 - 100
SocketUnitRateLimit Upper limit for conversion rate for this socket 0 - 100
SocketUnitRate Current conversion rate for this socket. Conversion is being performed at 1 conversion * this percentage per second. 0 - 100
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