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(Added Material Scanner code.)
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  :FcuBackward=-:FcuForward goto 1
  :FcuBackward=-:FcuForward goto 1
==Material Scanner Code==
''Note: To use, on your scanner, rename :Material to :MatS, :Volume to :VolS, and :Index to :IndS.  Then you need a display unit that will show :Material and another that shows :Volume''
  //Material Scanner by CubeMaster_1
  if :MatScan == 1 then :Scan=1 else goto 1 end
  Index=:IndS :Material=:MatS :Volume=:VolS
  if Index<X then :IndS=:IndS+1 goto 3 else goto 2 end

''This page is a WIP. Please contribute to it!''
''This page is a WIP. Please contribute to it!''

Revision as of 18:01, 2 August 2021

Standard Generator Script (Basic YOLOL Chip)

Note: This script will require enough batteries on the ship to act as a buffer for the generator spool up time.

Default Fields

:FuelChamberUnitRateLimit=100-:StoredBatteryPower/100 goto 1

Non Default Fields

Note: This version of the script assumes either "GeneratorUnitRateLimit" or "FuelChamberRateLimit" (preferably the latter) are renamed to "limit", and at least one battery exists on the network with it's "StoredBatteryPower" field renamed to "bat".

:limit=100-:bat/100 goto 1

Tutorial Laborer

Note: The Laborer has renamed field names by default so this version will work for the tutorial ship.

:Generator=100-:Battery_1/100 goto 1

Settable on/off Generator flag

c=(c<1)*(:Battery_1<5000)+c*(:Battery_1<9999) :Gen=c*22+0.001 goto 1

Fitting this code on the Laborer Module requires renaming at least one device. (here the Generator was renamed Gen)

5000 and 9999 are the start-charging and stop-charging levels. 22 is just enough charge to run the stock two box thrusters.

Single lever forward/backward script (Basic YOLOL Chip)

Note: This script assumes you have a center lever bound to FcuForward

Default device fields

:FcuBackward=-:FcuForward goto 1

Material Scanner Code

Note: To use, on your scanner, rename :Material to :MatS, :Volume to :VolS, and :Index to :IndS. Then you need a display unit that will show :Material and another that shows :Volume

 //Material Scanner by CubeMaster_1
 if :MatScan == 1 then :Scan=1 else goto 1 end
 Index=:IndS :Material=:MatS :Volume=:VolS
 if Index<X then :IndS=:IndS+1 goto 3 else goto 2 end

This page is a WIP. Please contribute to it!

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