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Difference between revisions of "Talk:Бак с водородным ракетным топливом"

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m (Ostpol moved page Talk:Ракетное Топливо to Talk:Бак с пропеллентом: Обновил название )

Revision as of 12:25, 9 June 2022

Propellent != Fuel. Propellent is a rocket fuel, so you can't just throw away a half of meaning. In way to save short pronunciation RU-community decided to transliterate it.

Propellant - is a classical 'false friend'. Be careful. It is a rocket fuel indeed, but you dont trasliterate it as it is, because there is already a term "Пропеллент" in russian, and it is what you have in aerosol spray. But it is not fuel in russian. If you want it to be fuel, then use "Ракетное Топливо" instead, which is a literal and common translation of rocket fuel. You can use "Горючее", if you want to follow a slightly simplified and cartoonish theme of the game, that has only one component in the rocket fuel.
Once again, stop this vandalism pls. Propellant = Ракетное Топливо. There will be no "пропеллент" on this wiki, as the meaning of this term has no connection with Starbase whatsoever. If you cant translate the words properly - dont do the translation job. Period. Leave it to those, who can actually translate all this easy stuff.
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