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Bob is a notorious fugitive and war criminal. As of 2021, he has been convicted by Imperial prosecutors on over 50 charges, including, but not limited to, the use of chemical weapons, taking hostages, and enjoying pineapple on pizza. Bob was sentenced to life in Saltberia after he walked right into that Imperial ambush as he was trying to cross the border. Shortly after these events, Bob embarked on a spree of terror attacks against the Imperial populace as reprisal for his supposed unjust treatment in court.


Bob was raised as the youngest endo in a lower-middle-class family on Robur station. To escape his abusive father and brothers, Bob spent much of his youth on the streets of Robur, quickly becoming involved in the station's criminal underworld. At the age of 16, Bob was involved in an attempted sperm bank robbery that led to the deaths of three Imperial police officers. After months in juvenile detention, Bob developed a burning hatred for the Imperial justice system.

As Bob moved into adulthood, he found that he just couldn't fit into society. He was fired from multiple jobs and he failed to find a spouse. Bob found that he just couldn't feel empathy for other endos. His last hope was to emigrate to Kingdom space, a hope that was quickly dashed by the Imperial border patrol.

During his time in Saltberia, Bob developed a reputation as a psychopathic loner, frequently starting fights that ended with the death of the other inmate. After many instances of this, prison security confined Bob to his cell. In solitary confinement, Bob’s mental state deteriorated further, according to inmate Jack Mehoff, who was responsible for delivering rations to Bob’s cell, Bob began to blame all of the Empire for his problems in life, saying that if he ever got out he would “make them all pay”.

He got his chance to make that statement a reality on stardate 420420, when a gas leak in the prison forced a total evacuation. The prison guards had a hard time containing many of the prisoners as they were stoned out of their minds from the holiday festivities. Bob quickly took advantage of the situation, stealing an Imperial Spatha whose pilot was too whacked out on space-weed to notice. Once prison security sobered up enough to perform a headcount, they noticed that Bob was gone. A signal was sent to Imperial authorities, but the sheer amount of weed smoke in the interstellar medium prevented the message from getting through until hours later.

After his escape, Bob met up with scientist and black-market weapons manufacturer Dr. Bolt. Bolt would go on to provide the Sarin gas that Bob famously used in the attack on the Imperial stock exchange. Bob briefly starred in Bolt’s reality TV series Boltcrackers, which received a 5/10 from IGN. Enraged, Bolt contracted Bob to burn down the IGN corporate offices, and thus began a thriving criminal partnership.

Status: Currently at large

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