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Revision as of 16:09, 12 April 2021


We are a small band starting on Starbase as soon as it becomes available to us.

We are an older group, youngest being 37 with the oldest at 62. We do not have an age limit. We do have a maturity level however.

We do talk the gambit of topics while we play, if you're a snowflake that get's upset with microagressions then we are not for you. If you like friendly banter, friendly debates, and all around fun you are more than welcome to hang with us.

Now about the game, it looks very fun. We have a mechanical engineer in our group to help with designs and YOLOL (hopefully), haha! Think we will be a neutral company, but that is subject to change as we see what's what in game.

We have played most of the big titles and were actually waiting on New World, but frankly after beta testing NW I was underwhelmed. This game sprang up from seemingly nowhere and looks mostly finished and much more exciting.

So here we are. There you are. Our Discord is not passworded, you can drop in any time and chat with any of us there to see if you would be a fit and vice versa.

My discord is soonertee#6157 feel free to give me a holler and friend me. Our discord is Rivengard

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