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Dominion Dynamic

For Those outside of the Starbase Dominion Faction community, first appearances will show a complex and intricate organization for a star-fleet that is as enigmatic as it is riddled in skepticism. Some argue that it is Too complex for players and members to be inducted into, and that it is conceptually too extreme to have any potential for success.

But there are reasons. Not just for why I, Virgil- (leader of House *Truths* and Primary Founder of this faction) see its potential, but reasons for why Dominion is made in the manner for which is seen.

    Dominion is an Experiment upon a marriage of Divided Social Structures, Task oriented Mindsets, and Player-Character immersion through expansive Roleplaying opportunity.

Structure and Hierarchy

In summary, the current structure of Dominion is splintered into 7 individual ‘Houses’ of power and foothold. No matter the Size, each of these 7 bears the same political power and goal views as the rest, all united under ONE sole mission prerogative.

Within each house is its own separate Hierarchy of power, a likeness to Feudalism with one figurehead at the helm- advisors in tow- lording over the direction of the House they claim as a de facto Nobility. This ‘Branching’ is thus why our governing appearance is called a Feudal Sodality, something comparable to Sengoku or Edo period Japan- (Each House Patriarch a ‘Shogun’ overseeing his own clan of Soldiers)

Division by Function

The merit behind this division in Structure is it allows us in Dominion to dedicate a House to serving and performing a specific and separate function.

On Paper, This means that The House of Blades will serve as our dedicated militant combatants or the Stars will be our Master-pilots. This is to Emphasize that any player within a role covered by their house will be developing a strong suit of ability and becoming masters in their regards. This will also bring a necessity for crew-dynamic with members of other Houses, as while each Citizen has grown into their Advantage and Strengths, they will have an unavoidable disadvantage in other areas of gameplay.

And so Each House serves to compliment the rest, and share in cohesion of labors.

Unified Coordination

  • Stars are capable of being master pilots and dedicated in their training- But will want a Sage on hand to care for their chosen craft or vessel.
  • Hands will seek Trade opportunities with Outsiders, and will find the need of a Truth’s guidance in Diplomacy or a Mask for information on future acquisition opportunity.
  • Blades will Take the offensive in Combat, Supported by their Brothers in the Shields for their safety and Defense.

This role-aspect team coordination is no different than those found in various other video games, Such as a designated Hunter, Gatherer, Crafter, or Healer in a Survival simulator. Each Player will have a Field of strength on their own for their own solo advantage- but are at their best performance when brought together.

Overlapping Functions

The division of role and purpose by House does not serve to prevent us from further expanding our nature of play.

In a lot of ways, it is inviting not just diverse mindsets to seek the same answer to an objective, but also a collective of different means to that same end.

The Hands, Masks, and Truth will share a hand in communication and diplomatic intents.

The Blades, Stars, and Sages will seek procedure for Active ship combat and combat preparedness.

The Shields, Masks, and Hands will play their parts in the Salvaging and Procurement of resources.

Yet this also does not dismiss the occasional wanderer of all houses, those players that seek further experience and training in developing a hybrid nature of various game play aspects. (Such as a Combat Technician that hails from the Sages and Shields)

Why the Role-playing is involved, and Necessary.

When a Player in any respective game is able to reach immersion in their control, and begin to envision themselves as their chosen character, They are able to reach new peaks in performance where they would otherwise be lacking.

The Lore and Imagery of Dominion is immense in its approach, yet consistent and will serve its purpose to capture that Level of Immersion that we seek. And we seek the Best not just in the performance of our actions, but our connections made through it.

You are a Pilot, the Navigator and the Master of your ship.

You are a Rogue, the Informant and Master Opportunist.

You are a Merchant, the Porter and the Investor, The Master of the Markets.

You are Dominion. One of the Fleet and Destined for Greatness.

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