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(If you are want to hunt for your feed and reach the top through sabotage and innovation, you have found your pack.)
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Revision as of 12:13, 8 June 2020

Welcome, we are The Wolves of Bane. We are a home for the vagrant; A pack for the hunted. Only a pack of like-minded hunters can protect each other from those who strive to bring their 'order' to our universe, so we founded The Wolves of Bane. We know you have enemies, you wouldn't be here if you didn't, so when the time arrives that you have an army breathing down your neck, we will welcome you to our pack of packs, our home of homes.

Be it a new name or even a pack of your own, we can offer it. If you wish to become a pack-member you must swear to the three Claws: 1:The pack comes first above all. 2:The supremacy of the pack is the supremacy of the wolf. 3:A pack is only as feared as its face clear.

We allow multi-factionship as long as the faction you affiliate with does not directly oppose any of our stances. As we are starting up we do not currently have a ship yard or RnD laboratory operational.However, once we do we require that any current or future members come and get their ships retrofitted. This process will be free of charge and can be bypassed if you would prefer a completely new ship or if you lack one currently. This process is to ensure that every member of our pack has access to not only the tools required for effective operation, but also to comply with claw 3. Certain specialty operatives and/or operations will not be required to undergo exterior remodeling, this is primarily for undercover operations.

We are not a distinctly ordered group however we do have some structure; Most ships that we authorize for our insignia/regalia will be Multi-Personnel and will consist of a crew relative to its approximate size. We ask that you come in groups so that you can have this crew predetermined beforehand. If you would like a single person ship you may ask so however if you do that you will need to prove that you alone can rise to the rank the rest of our pack has set. For the majority of the time you will be operating without supervision however we are looking into having an on-board communications device to call upon certain Packs as it is needed.

As previously stated our Den is not operational so as of now you are allowed and encouraged to get personal setups going. However, we do ask that all pack members actively contribute to the Den, its well being, and its long term sustainability. It is our goal to not only foster, but enforce and empower the community of outlaws and outcasts that so many would see destroyed. As such we ask that if you have been disgraced, dishonoured, or otherwise shunned from the rest of the galaxy you donate and support our cause. It is our plan to create small and hidden outposts for pirates, bounty hunters, traders, and Wolves alike to rest close enough that any individual should be able to get to one within 30 minutes of travel.

Our Claws are our code of honour, forsake those and you forsaken our community as a whole. They are also the only "rules" we have, with virtually any actions that we require or restrict originating from our 3 Claws. The Claws are the only guideline for what to or not to do and as such they are to be held in high regard. Minor breaches of the Claws are likely to go without retribution however, as we try our best to not intervene in your affairs. With that said, if any member of our pack reveals themselves to be a traitor to our ways they will be hunted without rest. Such violations of our rules would include targeting fellow pack-members, stealing from the pack, and/or intentionally sabotaging a pack action for personal gain.

While you may become a pack member for free (as of now) and that entails little to no obligations, as times change and as you rise through the ranks you may experience more pack members relying on you and even direct compensations and obligations. These actions would include but are not limited to : Manning a turret on a planned assault on one of our enemies, taking up arms in the raid of a cargo line, or even simple things such as helping other pack members get their ships effectively retrofitted. Compensation for these actions may vary over time, but they should remain very rare as we are currently expanding our territory.

To attain further information contact us. (contact point to be determined, as a temporary contact point please send email to [email protected] to express your intrest)

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