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Welding tool

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Starbase tools welding.png
Welding tool

FunctionWelding spaceship beams and station parts
Market price1,374.12 SB credit icon.png

The welding tool is used to attach and detach parts to/from station modules, and can also be used to attach spaceship beams as a convenient alternative to attachment plates. It requires electricity to work, which it sources from a power pack.

If you don't have a power pack you can buy one from the market by pressing ",", going to Equipment - Ammo category.

Per update 485.2001, range of the welding tool is 5m (increased in update from previous range of 3m).

Per update 869, the welding tool has the ability to place weld blocks. To change between weld and weld block mode use 'Z' and scroll wheel to change between big and small weld cubes. Uses Bastium from inventory (Backpack, Ship or Station).

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