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Ship controls

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Commandeering your ship

Many different models of spaceships exist in the known galaxy.
While spaceships may vary from civilian cargo ships to large military ships, the same general logic applies to controlling and flying them.
It is also good to keep in mind that the ship controls can, however, be customized, so no universal ship control layout that applies to every spaceship exists.

Spaceships - Pilot

Note: The controls vary between spaceships and customized control layouts can also be built.

  • Yaw left / Yaw right: Usually done with a two-directional lever, located at the center of the control panel.
  • Pitch up / Pitch down: Usually done with a two-directional lever, located at the center of the control panel.
  • Roll left / Roll right: Usually done with a two-directional lever.
  • Forward/Accelerate: A one-directional lever is generally used for accelerating spaceships. Other end of the lever is full speed, and the opposite maximum stops the ship.
  • Brake/Deaccelerate: A one-directional lever is generally used for accelerating spaceships. Other end of the lever is full speed, and the other stops the ship.
  • Accelerate backwards: A one-directional lever is generally used for the accelerate backwards command.
  • Deaccelerate backwards: The backwards motion can be stopped by pulling the lever to the opposite of the maximum (maximum = accelerate backwards) end of the lever.
  • Shoot: Buttons are generally used for firing weapons.
  • Strafe ship up, down: Buttons or two-directional levers can be be used to strafe the ship up or down.
  • Strafe ship left or right: Two-directional levers are usually used to strafe the ship left or right.

Spaceships - Gunner

  • Yaw left / Yaw right:
  • Pitch up / Pitch down:
  • Fire: A separate button is used to fire the weapons
  • Slow turn speed:

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