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Resource Bridge

From Starbase wiki
Revision as of 12:03, 28 May 2020 by Koron (talk | contribs) (German language link added)

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Resource Port.png

The resource port allows the player to connect to, and interact with, the inventory of Modular ore cargo crates.

Conection to a resource bridge is necersary for the use of the mining backpack.

Basic information

  • Connected to modular ore cargo crates via a pipe network.
  • Allows the player to access the inventory of the connected ore cargo crates, ore cubes can be dropped in the world, or at a station they can be moved to station storage.
  • Ore cubes can only be picked up if the player is conected to ore cargo crates through the resource port


When interacted with the resource bridge will show a conection as a glowing yellow strand, the conection will disconect if the player moves too far from the resource port.

The resource port allows access to the user interface for ore cargo crates, each cargo crate is represented as an inventory slot in any interface they are shown.

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